
Name Town County Phone
DUKES HEAD (@Sellindge) Sellindge Ashford 01303812131
Albion Ashford Kent 01233 622795
Alfred Arms Ashford Kent 01233 620913
Ashford Club Ashford Kent 01233 647147
Ashford Railway Club (Kent) Ashford Kent 01233 620962
Baliffs Sargent Romney Marsh Kent 01303875038
Beaver Inn Ashford Kent 01233 620264
Charing Pavilion Charing Kent 07710872910
Dukes Head (@Hamstreet) Ashford Kent 01233 732210
Locomotive Inn Kent 01233 620741
Rose Inn Ashford Kent 01233 623871
Sellindge Social Club Ashford Kent 01303 812437
Singleton Barn Kent 01233 629379
The Elwick Club Ashford Kent 01233 620043
The Pheasant 01233 647604
The Phoenix 01233 638623
The Star Kent 01233 627653
White Horse Ashford Kent 01233 624257
White Horse (Bilsington) Ashford Kent 01233 720690
Woolpack Inn Ashford Kent 01303 812196