
Division: Division 1
Date: 09/10/2014
Home: Mavericks Odd Squad
Away: Balls up the Arc
Result: 12 - 3

Player Summaries

Mavericks Odd Squad Played Won Lost Dish
Alec Blythe 3 3 0 0
Barry Fannon 3 1 2 0
Chris Nickolls 3 3 0 0
James Gillet 3 2 1 0
Lorraine Fivey 3 3 0 1
15 12 3 1
Balls up the Arc Played Won Lost Dish
Andy Playle 2 0 2 0
Nick Peacock 3 1 2 0
Phil Witts 3 1 2 0
Rob Newton 2 1 1 0
Steve Fortune 2 0 2 0
Stuart Partner 3 0 3 0
15 3 12 0