Phil Witts2014 Winter, Division 2

Previous Seasons

Matches Games
Team Season Division P P% P P% W L W%
Locomotive B 2018 Summer Premier Division 1 5% 1 2% 0 1 0.0%
Balls up the ARC 2015 Summer Division 1 5 31% 14 29% 7 7 50.0%
Balls up the ARC 2014 Winter Division 1 17 94% 50 93% 30 20 60.0%
Locomotive B 2013 Winter Division 1 - World 4 22% 6 17% 2 4 33.3%
Locomotive B 2013 Summer Division 1 - World 1 6% 2 6% 2 0 100.0%
Locomotive B 2012 Winter Division 1 - World 8 44% 15 42% 10 5 66.7%
Locomotive B 2012 Summer Division 1 13 72% 24 67% 15 9 62.5%
Locomotive B 2011 Winter Division 1 12 67% 23 64% 13 10 56.5%
Locomotive B 2011 Summer Division 1 15 83% 27 75% 16 11 59.3%
Locomotive B 2010 Winter Division One 15 94% 28 88% 21 7 75.0%
Locomotive B 2010 Summer Division One 2 11% 4 11% 4 0 100.0%